Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2013

Weekly Log #2

Alright, time for a life update. A lot of things happened in this week. Some of them are very important and worth mentioning. Although almost all thing worth mentioning, but I think you get the point. 

The first part of this week comes from the questionnaire I sent to my lecturers regarding the massive open online course application that I want to build. Even though only several of the responded my questionnaire, most of the agree to help my application. Moreover, most of the are ready to be the lecturer. I am so happy about this. :D. It makes me want to build the application quickly as possible. Now, I'm in the process of waiting of my boos approval on the application. I'm pretty sure we will build this application together in no time.

The second part is that I tried a lot of new technology that has just been came out to the stable release this week. It is very fun. I got a lot of error, but after doing some research and a lot of asking to the technology maintainer, it ran very smoothly. At this point, I realized that behind every design of new technology, there are parts that we need change our behavior or way of thinking to let the technology help us. Minimally, the technology can alleviate our life burden.

The third part is that I started to create a new blog for my community. It's I want to make this blog can help the teenagers to hone their writing skills. I believe that writing is one of the skills you want to mastered before finishing college. You will write a lot of thing in the future. :D. At first, I will maintain this blog personally. Then, I will try to ask people to help me with the content. You need to start by yourself first in order to invite other people. That's the one of the rule of entrepreneurship. 

It has been a great week. One thing I learnt the most this week is that, if you want to do something, do it by yourself. The only thing that you can move or change is your own mind and body. Do not expect people to do a lot of things for you. It is just that simple. Now, I will get ready for next week challenges. XD. Pray for me. :)

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