Rabu, 25 September 2013

The Best Method of Publication

In this time, my company face quite a lot resignation letters from it's employee.  For me, it is quite devastating because one of my senior from my team resigned. I thought, this team could be together for a long time to make a solid and competitive team. learning together day by day to become better everyday. Fiuhh. So, my company quickly made a lot of publications about job offers. It is true that a lot people apply to my company, but most of them are not very good.

Back in the college day, I've learnt the best publication method that would be inviting people personally. :D. It's simple, you talk to the man or woman, tell them they are open position inside the company and ask them to fill the position, personally. I've done this a lot of times at the college life. I've increased the number a division of an organization from 20 to 50 by asking every people I met to join my team. Now, I'm doing the same for my company. I know that it is harder to ask people to  join a company rather than a college organization, but I'll do my best. After a week of invitation, I invite 15 people to come to my company, 5 responded positively, and from that 5 people, 2 has been hired. and 1 people are waiting an interview. I know this result is not as good as before, but considering this is invitation to work at a company, I think this is a great success. :)). 

Some people waste a lot of money on media and advertising. For me, it was inefficient and money wasting. Treat people like real human that has emotions, even though you've never met them. Talk to them, give them attention. Do not treat them like machine or product that you only used them. I know it is tiring and cost a lot, but it is worth it. :D.

2 komentar:

  1. Your company should evaluate why those resignation letters come from the internal side :)

    1. Of course. :D. Thanks for the suggestion.
