In this time, my company face quite a lot resignation letters from it's employee. For me, it is quite devastating because one of my senior from my team resigned. I thought, this team could be together for a long time to make a solid and competitive team. learning together day by day to become better everyday. Fiuhh. So, my company quickly made a lot of publications about job offers. It is true that a lot people apply to my company, but most of them are not very good.
Back in the college day, I've learnt the best publication method that would be inviting people personally. :D. It's simple, you talk to the man or woman, tell them they are open position inside the company and ask them to fill the position, personally. I've done this a lot of times at the college life. I've increased the number a division of an organization from 20 to 50 by asking every people I met to join my team. Now, I'm doing the same for my company. I know that it is harder to ask people to join a company rather than a college organization, but I'll do my best. After a week of invitation, I invite 15 people to come to my company, 5 responded positively, and from that 5 people, 2 has been hired. and 1 people are waiting an interview. I know this result is not as good as before, but considering this is invitation to work at a company, I think this is a great success. :)).
Some people waste a lot of money on media and advertising. For me, it was inefficient and money wasting. Treat people like real human that has emotions, even though you've never met them. Talk to them, give them attention. Do not treat them like machine or product that you only used them. I know it is tiring and cost a lot, but it is worth it. :D.
Rabu, 25 September 2013
Senin, 23 September 2013
Definition of Cool
Alright guys, I believe every people has their own point of view in understanding things. Every people has different opinion. Unfortunately, most of the people are to lazy too define every situation with their own opinion. They stuck with the majority opinion and make their opinion. I do not mind if the majority opinion is the right one, but the majority opinion is not always true.
What I want to explain is that the definition of cool. Straight to the point. Winning things like competitions, grades, or contest is not that cool. Showing to the world that you are better then the rest of the world is not cool, at least for me. Winning people is should be the best condition to be cool. Helping people up from the depth of depression. Motivate where people are down on their feet. That's what I call cool. When people can sacrifice them self in order to help the others. Even though they know, they will suffer. When they know that the people that being helped by them is becoming better, they feel content and happy. It is enough reward for them.
Some people even thinks that smoking, using drugs, putting tattoo, or buying some expensive unusable things like sport cars is cool. For me, saying no to smoking or things like that are even cooler. It is easy to go with your mind compulsive behavior, while in the other hand choosing to say no needs courage and great will power. For me, it true my life do not exposed to things like that, but I can say no to things like instant noodle or maybe junk food. It wasn't easy because I've been eating instant noodle regularly throughout my life. Fortunately, with a vision in the future, I can choose to stop to let my body healthier. I hope you can do cool things too. :D.
Sabtu, 21 September 2013
Weekly Log #1
Alright guys, I've decided to write a log for myself. In case me in the future want to remember some little things that I would forget. It is very nice to take a lot of picture, but I prefer to write it down to explain the details. :D. Okay, start from this week.
This week, I've sent an email to one of my lecturer to spread out the questionnaire about the MOOC project. Unfortunately, I haven't got any responses from her. I will try to reach another lecturer I think. Someone less busy and more reachable. I will update the questionnaire again as my senior has given his opinion about the question.
Second, to hone my skill, I started a dummy project named SuitBase. An internal office management app and try to use the best practices of programming. I really learnt a lot like unit testing, writing documentation for every function, re factoring the code, and knowledge about the Django framework. What I think the most important thing to learnt this is week that no framework can give clean and pragmatic solution to every problems. I've tried a lot of other web framework like Rails, CodeIgniter, Yii, and .NET MVC. It is true that they give a lot of skeleton code and defined helper function, but some problems need dirty solutions.
Third, Finally, my spammed request is answered! Two of my friends join my adventure at Suitmedia and Bukalapak. I'm so happy to hear this. The pleasure to work with college friends is priceless. :3. In the future, I hope my other friends will join to my adventure.
Okay, the last is about my journey at my church. I have been given a lot of responsibilities and I will do my best to finish it. I think, one of the most difficult jobs is to change people. To mentor them, show them care, and many more is hard than programming. Nevertheless, I will not let God's given talent to me gone to waste. Next week? Let's go to Bali!
This week, I've sent an email to one of my lecturer to spread out the questionnaire about the MOOC project. Unfortunately, I haven't got any responses from her. I will try to reach another lecturer I think. Someone less busy and more reachable. I will update the questionnaire again as my senior has given his opinion about the question.
Second, to hone my skill, I started a dummy project named SuitBase. An internal office management app and try to use the best practices of programming. I really learnt a lot like unit testing, writing documentation for every function, re factoring the code, and knowledge about the Django framework. What I think the most important thing to learnt this is week that no framework can give clean and pragmatic solution to every problems. I've tried a lot of other web framework like Rails, CodeIgniter, Yii, and .NET MVC. It is true that they give a lot of skeleton code and defined helper function, but some problems need dirty solutions.
Third, Finally, my spammed request is answered! Two of my friends join my adventure at Suitmedia and Bukalapak. I'm so happy to hear this. The pleasure to work with college friends is priceless. :3. In the future, I hope my other friends will join to my adventure.
Okay, the last is about my journey at my church. I have been given a lot of responsibilities and I will do my best to finish it. I think, one of the most difficult jobs is to change people. To mentor them, show them care, and many more is hard than programming. Nevertheless, I will not let God's given talent to me gone to waste. Next week? Let's go to Bali!
Kamis, 19 September 2013
Patriotic Idealistic
Hi, now, I will tell you about some of my ideals throughout my life. This time, it's simple. I do not want to work at multinational company or foreign company. Never. I already knew that the career on that kind company is more stable, more salary, and more guarantee. Almost all of my family or friends told me to get a better job. Nevertheless, I still keep my idealism. I only want to work at relatively small company or start-ups and it is must be local.
There are obviously reasons behind my ideals. These are some of the most important. First, it is my destiny. I know I was born in this country with a reason. Moreover, I realize that this country still needs a lot of high quality engineer. Maybe I'm not a good engineer, but I'm striving to reach it. I know that my calling lies in this country. I have a vision that one day, Indonesia people is well educated and they must know that this country is insanely beautiful.
Second, I am a person with great curiosity. I always want to try a new things or technology. I always want change. Corporate does not provide me this way. They are very steady and stable. They do not want any change on their system before it is necessary. I want change every time because I know everything can better. There are no such perfect things. If something can be improved, why not? Working at start-ups give us room to accelerate change, at least better than at the corporate.
Third. It was very nice and humbling moment to see the small company turns into a big one. The process itself is very exciting. Little by little, the company grows and when you know that you're a part of it, it is priceless. Try it!
There are obviously reasons behind my ideals. These are some of the most important. First, it is my destiny. I know I was born in this country with a reason. Moreover, I realize that this country still needs a lot of high quality engineer. Maybe I'm not a good engineer, but I'm striving to reach it. I know that my calling lies in this country. I have a vision that one day, Indonesia people is well educated and they must know that this country is insanely beautiful.
Second, I am a person with great curiosity. I always want to try a new things or technology. I always want change. Corporate does not provide me this way. They are very steady and stable. They do not want any change on their system before it is necessary. I want change every time because I know everything can better. There are no such perfect things. If something can be improved, why not? Working at start-ups give us room to accelerate change, at least better than at the corporate.
Third. It was very nice and humbling moment to see the small company turns into a big one. The process itself is very exciting. Little by little, the company grows and when you know that you're a part of it, it is priceless. Try it!
Sabtu, 14 September 2013
All by Myself
If you want to do something, do it by yourself at the first time. That's the lesson I've learnt nowadays. Waiting for other people to do the job means the job will never be finished. I had a mind that full of willingness to change for the sake of betterment. I knew everything can be upgraded. There are no such like perfect thing or environment. When people do not understand this principle, they will become stagnant.
Unfortunately, most people still lying in their comfort zone. It is hard for me to find a suitable companion that has the willingness to change. So few people are wanting to have changes in their life. Therefore, it is so hard to make a change though. I have to convince a lot of people, think a lot about the concept, work harder, getting up faster, sacrifice my holiday, maintain integrity standard, and many more. Although it was hard, but I won't be intimidated, because it's my calling. I cannot live without change for betterment.
So, when I want to do something new, it is quite hard because I'm all alone that do the start. Sometimes, it is very nice if we have friends that support or maybe working together to make changes. I'm pretty sure this is the risk I have to take. I have to keep moving forward and make little change every day. So that, I could live my life to the fullest.
Unfortunately, most people still lying in their comfort zone. It is hard for me to find a suitable companion that has the willingness to change. So few people are wanting to have changes in their life. Therefore, it is so hard to make a change though. I have to convince a lot of people, think a lot about the concept, work harder, getting up faster, sacrifice my holiday, maintain integrity standard, and many more. Although it was hard, but I won't be intimidated, because it's my calling. I cannot live without change for betterment.
So, when I want to do something new, it is quite hard because I'm all alone that do the start. Sometimes, it is very nice if we have friends that support or maybe working together to make changes. I'm pretty sure this is the risk I have to take. I have to keep moving forward and make little change every day. So that, I could live my life to the fullest.
Rabu, 04 September 2013
Extreme Curiosity
“The day we stop learning is the day we die.” - Michael Scott. I want to write about learning after a suddenly realized this quote is very powerful. If we go down to a deeper level on the meaning of life, breathing or having a pulse is not considered as living. Doing repetitious daily task or to find happiness within things like drugs, food, or any other entertainment device. It is just not worth it. For me, happiness is live your life to the fullest. Getting know about your purpose of life and living my passion. Happiness is sharing. We undoubtedly are social creatures. We can feel loneliness and need to have partner or companion. I'm not saying the more the merrier, but at some point every people needs another people.
What concern me the most is that until this blog is written, there are a lot of people that still do not understand about this. Most people I know are doesn't really care and addicted to pursue happiness. Now I will tell you about my experience to live my life.
First rule of my life. Always question everything. Ask everything you do not know. If you do not know what to ask, then ask another people or read, a lot. Ask a lot about yourself. Why am I alive? Why am I going to this way? Why am I receiving this? Why I keep searching for happiness? All things. Then, try to find the answer one by one. My personal favorite question is "What is my purpose of life" and "Why am i living this life?". It is the two most basic question that every people need to find the answer by them self. To answer this question, I suggesting read, ask, and listen a lot. Do not hesitate to ask someone, even you don't know really well. Fear is more dangerous than evil.
Second rule, pursue passion, happiness will follow. Imagine you are working something that you like the most. Your beloved activity. An activity that you can do for hours, days, weeks, months. Then, you are paid to do that. It is wonderful isn't it? Sometimes, people think that it is hard to work and complain a lot about their work. That is just because that they didn't work what they love. You like fishing, become a professional fisherman. You like playing game, then be a professional gamer. It is just that simple. Most of the times, people are just to scared, lazy, or lack of confidence to make life decision. Then, they choose a safe way that lead to boring life. The result is that they work to buy things they didn't need, impress people they hate, and keep looking good while inside the heart, they are dying. Here are a quote from Dumbledore "it is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
The third rule, resurrect another "dead" people. Every people will die, only some of them really lives. Give your heart, your time, your energy, your existence, your love, your life to another people. Give them a new meaning of life. There are too many people are dying because of they do not know what they want to do or too afraid to do it. We, the people who understand, need to lead every other people live their life to the fullest. That, my friend, to really lives.
What concern me the most is that until this blog is written, there are a lot of people that still do not understand about this. Most people I know are doesn't really care and addicted to pursue happiness. Now I will tell you about my experience to live my life.
First rule of my life. Always question everything. Ask everything you do not know. If you do not know what to ask, then ask another people or read, a lot. Ask a lot about yourself. Why am I alive? Why am I going to this way? Why am I receiving this? Why I keep searching for happiness? All things. Then, try to find the answer one by one. My personal favorite question is "What is my purpose of life" and "Why am i living this life?". It is the two most basic question that every people need to find the answer by them self. To answer this question, I suggesting read, ask, and listen a lot. Do not hesitate to ask someone, even you don't know really well. Fear is more dangerous than evil.
Second rule, pursue passion, happiness will follow. Imagine you are working something that you like the most. Your beloved activity. An activity that you can do for hours, days, weeks, months. Then, you are paid to do that. It is wonderful isn't it? Sometimes, people think that it is hard to work and complain a lot about their work. That is just because that they didn't work what they love. You like fishing, become a professional fisherman. You like playing game, then be a professional gamer. It is just that simple. Most of the times, people are just to scared, lazy, or lack of confidence to make life decision. Then, they choose a safe way that lead to boring life. The result is that they work to buy things they didn't need, impress people they hate, and keep looking good while inside the heart, they are dying. Here are a quote from Dumbledore "it is our choices...that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
The third rule, resurrect another "dead" people. Every people will die, only some of them really lives. Give your heart, your time, your energy, your existence, your love, your life to another people. Give them a new meaning of life. There are too many people are dying because of they do not know what they want to do or too afraid to do it. We, the people who understand, need to lead every other people live their life to the fullest. That, my friend, to really lives.
Minggu, 01 September 2013
A Silent Leader
I got this inspiration after reading a short biography about Andrea Pirlo, an Italian Football player. He was a great man. He respected by all his team mates. One sentence that made me want to write this is a compliment from one of his team mates. "Pirlo is a silent leader. He speaks with his feet". Such a powerful words. I've seen a lot of leader types, but this is just too awesome.
This kind of people is of course not very talkative, but they are really care and willing to sacrifice them self for the sake of the team. They didn't say anything. The convey the message by action. Then, after doing the action, they keep in silent. Their integrity is top notch. To knowing that their action is actually help someone to become better, is enough for them. They did not need any "thank you" or any acknowledgement.
In this information age, too much people talk too much. Instead of doing something, they make the problem even worse or maybe they didn't want to know about anything. They are ignorant. They only think about them self. They didn't think about the the other's opinion. Sometimes we think being a good people do not make any crime, do not killing, or any bad things is enough, but it isn't. The world isn't going any better if someone didn't make a stand to change.
I believe this world deserve people who care about them. People who willing to sacrifice time, money, energy, and love for them. A watchful protector. A silent leader.
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