Minggu, 24 Juni 2012

Life Update

Hi, guys. Right now, I just want to give information about my life in the mean time. There are a lot of thing happened recently in my life an it was mind catching and unforgettable. Let's not wasting time and go to the first event.

The first one is about one of my mentee. I have two mentees and both of them are 2011 batch student at school of architecture and planning at ITB. Last week was the announcement of the result of their sub-major. Both of them want to enter architecture but, unfortunately one of them did not get it. I know that this is one of her dream. She must be quite a shock for her. One of her friends told she was quite shocked and still quiet until now. In this unfortunate event, it was a nice thing to hear that actually her grades were sufficient to get into architecture and finally she claim it to the lecturer.

The second one is about me. Recently, I accidentally knows that one of my best friends unfriend me from Facebook and messenger contact. It is true that he has the rights to unfriend everyone he wants. It is true that cyber friend connection is not visualizing the actual relationship but, I just do not like it. I'm sorry. You've done so many things only to comfort yourself, mate.

Despite all the things that happened, I really enjoyed my internship as it was very exciting to work with. It's time for me to move on and focus to reach my vision. I hope I can remove this bad feeling from me though. :)

Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Internship first-part

At last, I'm in the mood to write a blog again. It's been a while. I've just passed a tough semester. And now, I'm here to give a little report about my internship. I conduct my internship at Suitmedia, A digital consultancy company that mainly create web and mobile application. It was very fun after all. From the beginning of the recruitment until I sit in their office together writing code. It was indeed invaluable experience. My interview with Suitmedia was ended smoothly since I know the key to great interview. It was confidence and skill. Confidence give you a sense of conviction and determination. Skill give you knowledge and support confidence.

At the very first time, I'm quite confused to choose an internship place because I'm still not sure about my major specialist. It was between mobile and web development. Both of them are interesting field to play but I know. I don't have enough time to master both the field, for now. My choice fall into the web development, at last. :). It was a very preference matter. I choose web development because it was fun and it was the answer of my prayer.

The first day of my internship was very interesting. I've learn all about Suitmedia and my first project. One important lesson that really catch my mind is that we have to try all things to be better although we are afraid of that thing or maybe unrelated to our job. Do learn everything you can as it will give you a lot of knowledge. :). I will give full report of my internship at the next part. :) see you.

Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

Dulu Kita Pernah Dewasa

Barusan saja saya membaca sebuah artikel berjudul "Dulu Kita Pernah Dewasa" di kaskus. Sejenak aku berpikir kalau kita makin dewasa, tetapi semakin lama aku berpikir aku merasa tidak juga. Dulu, begitu polosnya aku. Bisa ikut dalam segala permainan tanpa berpikir yang jauh. Aku berteman tanpa melihat sesuatu dari mereka. Aku tidak merasakan ketegangan dalam menjalani hidup. Jika ada kesulitan, tanpa ragu aku menelpon temanku. Aku hidpu di dunia yang bebas.

Namun sekarang, aku otakku diiss penuh dengan beragam informasi yang membuatku perlu banyak berpikir dalam melakukan sesuatu. Bahkan, kadang-kadang aku merasa kalau semua hasil interaksiku dengan orang lain itu semua hasil rekayasa agar mereka dapat menerimaku dengan baik. Semua agar tidak terjadi masalah yang dapat menggangguku dalam mencapai isi hidupku. Kalau dibandingkan dengan yang dulu, aku begitu ekspresif. Setiap orang tahu isi dari otakku hanya dengan melihat raut wajahku. Namun, sekarang aku harus jaga image setiap kali bertemu dengan orang, mempertahankan senyumku walaupun aku sedang tidak ada mood untuk senyum.

Begitu polosnya seorang anak kecil yang begitu dikasihi Tuhan. Sepertinya, tidak jelek jika mulai sekarang aku memilih untuk menjadi anak kecil yang energik dan polos dalam mengejar visi hidupku. :)